I was saying last time that i really don’t like the new Google interface, actually lots of people don’t like it judging by the number of visitors i get from…
From time to time this question pops up. So why would anyone use TYPO3 and not WordPress or Drupal ? I thought about writing an article on the subject until…
Almost a year ago i wrote the article about the TYPO3 market share statistics i’m preparing to make a new statistic in the early days of 2012. Having too much…
To paraphrase a friend, it looks like the crusades for the Holy Grail of the Church of the Social Media are at their peak. Before explaining you why i think…
I’ve received this link by email : http://www.roimedia.co.za/the-anatomy-of-a-perfect-website/ . It contains some interesting statistics and graphics on websites. For example did you know that more then 85% of people use…
The TYPO3 community released an new TYPO3 Security Guide! This is the most comprehensive security guide on TYPO3 ever released and its a must read for anyone working with TYPO3.…
On the 3rd of December 2011, TYPO3 Usergroup Romania (sponsored by Arxia) organizes the second edition of the TYPO3 Usergroup Romania Meetup. The event aims to bring TYPO3 developers from…
As you know, last year we had a great TYPO3 Usergroup Romania Meetup. The good news is that TYPO3 Usergroup Romania organizes the second of this kind of Meetups on…
Lately Google started to change the layout of all its products to the so called Google+ layout. Actually its not a layout specially made for Google+ but rather it was…