Powermail the popular Typo3 extension used to display forms and send the data through email has a bug in version 1.4.10 that generates a javascript error like this:
var Validator = Class.create();
‘Class’ is not defined
I found that this is caused by a configuration setting in ext_typoscript_setup.txt
If you wondered, there is a workaround until a new version is released:
Find the following code in ext_typoscript_setup.txt :
page.includeJS.file31311 = EXT:powermail/js/checkbox/checkbox.js page.headerData.31310 < lib.powermail_dynJavascript seite.headerData.31310 < page.headerData.31310 seite.includeJS.31311 < page.includeJS.file31311 seite.includeJS.31312 < page.includeJS.file31312 seite.includeJS.31313 < page.includeJS.file31313 seite.includeJS.31314 < page.includeJS.file31314
and change it with:
[userFunc = user_powermailOnCurrentPage()] page.includeJS.file31311 = EXT:powermail/js/checkbox/checkbox.js page.headerData.31310 < lib.powermail_dynJavascript seite.headerData.31310 < page.headerData.31310 seite.includeJS.31311 < page.includeJS.file31311 seite.includeJS.31312 < page.includeJS.file31312 seite.includeJS.31313 < page.includeJS.file31313 seite.includeJS.31314 < page.includeJS.file31314 [end]